
What Does General Dentistry Entail?


Generally speaking, a general dentist examines every area of oral and dental problems and is adept at handling any procedure connected to the mouth or teeth. A dentist must become knowledgeable about the jaw’s bone structure and surrounding muscles because he is responsible for detecting diseases and treating them appropriately.

Dentistry is a broad field, and people who study in this field can easily work in different fields. But according to one of the best dentist in Oakville, people must first complete the general dentistry course, and at the end of this course, which lasts for 6 years, they can work as a general dentist.

What Are the Responsibilities of General Dentistry?

In general dentistry, patients are examined using dental mirrors and X-ray machines. Generally, dentists are responsible for filling surface caries, cavities, and tooth fractures. Other abnormalities that are examined in general dentistry include the following:

  • Masses and wounds of gums and teeth
  • Treatment of teeth grinding at night
  • Oral cancer treatment
  • nose bleeding
  • Discoloration of gums and teeth
  • Treating joint disorders and problems

What Duties Do General Dentists Mostly Perform?

A regular dentist will first scale the client’s teeth to maintain the health of his gums and teeth. A rotten tooth’s cavities and fractures can be fixed by injecting local anesthesia in that area. A conventional dentist can also pull out teeth that will not last.

A general dentist owes it to her patients to impart preventive knowledge on how to preserve the health of their teeth and lessen acidic substances by considering the patient’s dietary needs.

What Are the Job Duties of A General Dentist?

  • A general dentist must carefully examine the problems and injuries of the teeth and gums of the clients.
  • Also, one of the most important duties of his job is to provide the necessary training to maintain and improve oral and dental health.
  • Use standard dental tools to examine and check the problems of clients.
  • Keep your work environment completely clean and hygienic.
  • Provide all necessary equipment for dentistry.

Positive and Negative Points In the Field of General Dentistry

This field, like other fields, has positive and negative points. The positive points of general dentistry are:

  • No exhausting and long shifts during the day and night
  • Easier to obtain a doctorate and also an easier academic career compared to the fields of pharmacy and medicine
  • Having a good income, even with a general degree and no specialization

The negative points of dentistry are:

  • Due to staying in one body position for a long time and doing repetitive work continuously, muscle and joint pains may occur.
  • A dentist is always at risk of infectious diseases. Of course, this issue can be prevented with the help of gloves and masks and following hygiene principles.
  • Contamination by blood
  • Dental job opportunities have decreased in big cities, and this is even though there is an urgent need for dentists in deprived areas.


Final Result

In this article, we examined general dentistry and learned that this field is considered a branch of medical science used to diagnose and treat problems in the mouth, gums, and teeth. In addition to beauty, having a healthy mouth and teeth is also very important in health. Because tooth decay and damage have bad consequences, bearing the pain of this problem is very excruciating. Therefore, it is recommended to always pay attention to the health of your mouth and teeth.

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