
What do you need to know about transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy? 


Lewiston, Idaho, is a city that has been around for a long time. They have a rich history dating back to the 1800s and have been home to many famous people. The downtown area of Lewiston is unique because it has been preserved in its original state. The buildings are still standing, and many have been updated with modern features while leaving the original architecture intact.

The city also has many parks and trails where residents can enjoy nature or take advantage of their surroundings. There are also plenty of festivals throughout the year that celebrates everything from music to food! Furthermore, it is a good place to get the best treatments for any diseases. If you are suffering from any mental disorder, transcranial magnetic stimulation Lewiston, ID is the best treatment to consider.

What is TMS therapy? 

TMS therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to treat depression. TMS therapy involves directing an electric current through specific brain parts to suppress or activate mood-altering chemicals in the brain.

The treatment is usually administered by placing an electrode on the scalp, which is then connected to a device that generates a magnetic field that changes neural activity. The goal of TMS is to affect how certain neurons communicate with each other, which can help regulate mood and relieve symptoms of depression.

How does TMS therapy work?

The process of transcranial magnetic stimulation Lewiston, ID  begins with a series of tests to determine which brain area needs stimulation. After identifying an area needing stimulation, TMS therapy sends magnetic pulses through the brain. These pulses cause neurons to fire, which can lead to the release of neurotransmitters and other chemicals that help repair nerve damage.

The treatment is administered with a coil machine, which sends magnetic pulses through your head. The pulse lasts for about 10 milliseconds, or about 100 times longer than you’d be able to perceive it as a feeling—so even if it feels like an eternity, it’s just a few seconds.

These pulses have been shown in clinical trials to help patients with major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Alzheimer’s disease and other types of memory loss, Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, and more.

TMS therapy benefits

The following is a list of the benefits of TMS therapy:

  • TMS therapy is a noninvasive procedure for treating depression and other mental disorders.
  • TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate parts of the brain, which may lead to improvements in mood, memory, and other symptoms associated with depression.
  • The treatment is administered with minimal risk for side effects or complications.
  • The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis at your home or office environment and does not require hospitalization or anesthesia.

TMS therapy success rate

The success rate of TMS therapy is highly variable depending on the patient, but many have reported improvement after using it.

In one study of TMS in depression, the researchers found that 80% of patients experienced a 50% or greater reduction in symptoms after treatment with TMS Therapy (Hakel et al., 2004). However, this was not a randomized controlled trial and therefore can only be used to indicate how well the method works.

Another study showed that 73% of people with the major depressive disorder had improvement in their depressive symptoms following treatment with TMS (Rosenbaum et al., 2010).

In conclusion, transcranial magnetic stimulation Lewiston, ID  is a safe and effective treatment for various neurological disorders. TMS is also known to impact the lives of patients who undergo this treatment positively. Hope you found this article more helpful.

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