
The first test-tube baby


Today, British woman Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, is 39 years old. Back in 1978, her birth caused a storm of emotions, mostly negative and contradictory, by the way. The procedure that the world’s first “IVF parents” went through is now considered elementary, but being a pioneer is always scary and exciting. It was not easy for the couple, but they opened the world to the possibility of solving the problem of infertility and not losing hope for a full-fledged family.

Nine Years of Waiting and a Miracle

Married couple Leslie and John Brown had been trying for nine long years to have children, but all their attempts were unsuccessful. Then they decided on the then new method of in vitro fertilization. The technology was developed by scientists Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe; it is well known in modern medicine. They took a woman’s egg and fertilized it with her husband’s sperm in a test tube, the embryo was implanted into the uterus. Nine months later, a healthy baby girl, Louise, was born.

Opponents of the revolutionary method

The birth of the first test-tube baby caused much resentment. It was opposed by religious leaders, who became opponents of interfering with the body’s natural processes. People were afraid of the birth of such unusual children, expecting from the procedure some unknown results. Surprisingly, even in our time, families often condemn the desire to become parents, even in such an unusual method. All because of ignorance of the situation. often receives letters asking about the safety of the method.

Since the first fertilization outside the mother’s body, more than 6 million children have been born. The revolutionary method has opened the door to motherhood and fatherhood for many couples who had long since given up hope of creating a full-fledged family. Fears that test-tube babies could not have children of their own were dispelled by Louise Brown and her sister, who was also born through IVF. They repeatedly experienced the happiness of motherhood, fertilization occurring naturally. 

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Since the first fertilization outside the mother’s body, more than 6 million children have been born. The revolutionary method has opened the door to motherhood and fatherhood for many couples who had long since given up hope of creating a full-fledged family. Fears that test-tube babies could not have children of their own were dispelled by Louise Brown and her sister, who was also born through IVF. They repeatedly experienced the happiness of motherhood, fertilization occurring naturally.

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